Program format for CNC Program (Fanuc Control)
Program is
an important part of a CNC machine. it carries a special sequence of letters
and number which carries instruction to be followed to perform desired
operation a specific function is done through these letters and this is called
address. A combination of letter and number is written in a specific sequence
for desired operation by these lines’ instruction is to be given to the machine
these lines are called block.
EG. G01 X 42
Z25 F80 ;
A program carries
many numbers of block to perform required operation on the job . different component
of a program are as follow
Block format
The block
which are prepared in a program is as under
M ;
Block Preparatory Dimension word Feed spindle tool machine End
Sequence function Function speed function function of
number block
O- Program
O latter is used to give specific number to
a program on Fanuc control. a four-digit number followed by letter O is given
to each program so that the program can be opened when it is required
G – Codes
These codes
are used for tool movement to perform all kind of tool function. the
coordinates of X, Y, Z axis are given in front of G code . for different tool
movement different G cods are used
X, Y, Z - tool movement
X, Y and Z letter are used for the movement of tool .the tool movement on each axis is given by numeric value of each axis after these letters
F- Feed
On CNC machine, the letter F is used to give feed to tool. The feed is given by two types as mm/min and mm/rev.
S-spindle speed
the letter S is used to give spindle speed which is given to the spindle of CNC machine. the RPM of spindle is given in front of S letter eg. S400
S- Cutting speed
If G96 code is used in program , cutting speed is given in front of this G96 code followed by letter S . if cutting speed is given, spindle speed will change automatically as per surface diameter of job Eg - S50
T- Tool Number
Many tools are used to perform a complete operation on a job in CNC these tools are hold on turret head , these tool in the turret are given some number according to their position in the turret, T letter is used to call these tool according to operation.
EX. T0506
M- Miscellaneous function
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